Sunday, August 23, 2009

Owen's First BBQ Competition

We took Owen to his first BBQ Competition on Friday night - Stokin' the Fire at Sloss Furnaces.

The weather was awesome (except for the looming thunder and lightning storm, the food was incredible and the company even better! We (Clint and Melissa) enjoyed a friend's Burger entry (mini burgers with tomato, spinach, tzatziki and grilled feta), some ABTs (see previous post) and some key lime cheesecake pieces dipped in chocolate on a stick!! As for Owen...he slept until feeding which point...he enjoyed all the above in liquid form! Just kidding! Many did like to joke that his reason for crying was because he wanted some BBQ though!

The outing was a success for all involved. Owen was a bit fussy on the way home...but Clint perfected a method to jiggle the car seat a little bit to make Owen calm down. And Melissa perfected a way to reach around the car seat to blindly find and appropriately place the pacifier in Owen's mouth. :) We're learning something new everyday!

The rest of the weekend has been enjoyable too. Yesterday, Clint walked and played with Owen in the morning so Melissa could get some additional sleep and then mowed the lawn. Melissa put away all her maternity clothes and brought out all her pre-maternity clothes. It is as though she has a brand new wardrobe now! Melissa also received her notification for her citizenship interview last week. So, she is busy putting together the supplied flash cards to help her study for the test.

We have also started a new feeding schedule with Owen that allows everyone to get to bed a bit earlier and is such that Melissa only has to get up once in the middle of the night (well..that's what it says on paper anyway! Owen may have other plans some nights). We now feed every three hours starting at 6am with the last feed at 9pm. Then the middle of the night feed is somewhat directed by Owen, but Melissa will not let him go too long. The past two nights he has been feeding around 2:30am. It is great that he can make it 5.5 hours! Bodes well for him sleeping through the night soon! :)

We are still following Baby Wise (see previous post), and it seems to be working well. By the book...Owen eats, he burps and gets a diaper change and then we keep him awake for 30-45 minutes. His favorite activities are to lay in his boppy and look out the nursery window and either listen to music or be sung to. He also likes to lay on his Boppy Activity mat (see below...but NOTE: that is NOT Owen pictured!), although he does not yet play with all the items dangling above him. We also sit with him in our laps and move his arms and legs around. We tell him funny stories or sing songs. He has started to smile and coo, which is really fun for us to see and hear! Sometimes he tells us when he is done and ready to sleep, other times, we have to call it quits so that he does not get overtired or over stimulated. We wrap him up and get him to sleep until the next feed.

Everyday Owen brings us new challenges...but MORE delights! He is so sweet and precious. We love him to pieces!

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