Saturday, October 17, 2009

A day in the life...

We have already had a busy Saturday. Owen had Mommy up at 3:15am, and again at 3:30am, then again at 4am, and finally at 4:40am. This has become somewhat of a pattern that is not desirable...but we think we know what is going on. We believe Owen is going through a growth spurt (the books say he is anyway). Therefore, everything is growing...including his insides. And when that happens, he produces more gas. This wakes him up in the early morning hours. Poor little man. But all we can do is try to make him comfortable and love on him. He is so lovable!!!!

Owen ate at 4:40am at fell asleep in mommy's arms until 6am. At which point, he stayed asleep while mommy transferred him to his swing. Mommy didn't even turn the swing on. Owen just slept in the cradle part of the swing until 8:15am. This allowed for everyone to get more sleep. Daddy was sweet enough to put more blankets on both Mom and Owen when he awoke around 7am.

Since then, we've had numerous outfit changes (diaper operator error) and plenty of opportunity to take pictures and videos of the little man. Here are some pics:

A happy boy!!

Some tummy time....Owen is getting so strong!

Owen has definitely found his hands. He likes to try to get both of them in his mouth at one time:

We bundled up and went for a walk on this beautiful fall day!

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