Sunday, April 25, 2010

This week's milestones

Owen hit some BIG milestones this week. He has become a pro at pulling up on just about anything he can. And, has started to hold his bottle. (Yes, we know he is WAY too big for his bouncy is just at the perfect angle for him to lounge and drink his bottles!

The "Tongue" Phase

Owen, as do most babies, goes through "phases". Meaning, he does something funny/cute for one to two weeks and then quits doing it just as fast as he started. We have to be fast to identify the phase and get a photo (or video) of him doing it, otherwise we'll miss documenting the memory! The current phase is the "tongue" phase. Owen sticks his tongue out in a variety of ways when he is concentrating on doing something. Here are some pictures of Owen sticking his tongue out while playing with (on) Daddy. Sorry the pics are a bit blurry....Owen moves quickly!!!


Owen's teeth have not come in in typical fashion. He has his two bottom middle teeth and then his "fangs". It appears as though he is cutting his top middle the big 'gap' should fill in soon!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Owen's best friend

Owen and Nash get along so well and have a lot in common. They are both laid back and they have the same jobs (eat, sleep, poop). Here are some great pics we got of Owen and Nash.

Pop and Owen

Here is a great picture taken of Pop and Owen at Aunt Ople's 98th birthday. was a wonderful day full of family and great celebration. Everyone was smiling that day!

Just Keep Swimming....

Owen and Mom went for Owen's first swimming lesson at the YMCA last Tuesday. We thought it would be a hit because Owen LOVES his bath....but we were wrong. Owen screamed the whole 30 minutes of the lesson. The water was cold and there were a bunch of activities going on in the pool. It was loud in there, which we think freaked Owen out. Our next lesson would have been last Thursday, but we could not go because Owen had a fever. He is on the mend now, so hopefully we will go to our next lesson on Tuesday.

98 years young!

Aunt Ople turned 98 last weekend! We drove up to TN with Nonnie and Pop to celebrate. It rained all the way there, but the sun came out in the afternoon and it was a beautiful day. Even more beautiful than the weather was the family being together to celebrate Aunt Ople.
Owen was a champ. He is such a good traveler. And of course, everyone ooo'd and awe'd over him.
Here are some pictures that were taken:

Aunt Ople with her cake

Owen with Aunt Ople

Owen with Pop's hat on (it was sunny!!!)