Friday, February 6, 2009

Maternity jeans are fabulous!!!!!

Just a quick update on "the mom-to-be"....

This is Melissa writing...and I am going to write about no third person format (wink...wink...Kristin!). I am doing great. I feel well, am having no sickness and am "functioning normally" (eating, sleeping, working, studying etc.)! I am shocked at some of the long days I can pull, and by the fact that I have stayed healthy (many people around me are sick with colds and is that season!).

I am wearing my first pair of maternity jeans today...and I LOVE THEM! They are VERY comfortable and trendy (if I say so myself!). I am still able to wear some of my non-prego tops, but all my non-prego pants will be put up this weekend! I have "popped" (so they say) and am getting quite a little belly. :)

Some very special friends that sent me some maternity tops from their collection and I am very grateful! I will definitely enjoy the variety! Thanks Kristin and Elizabeth! I will take good care of them, clean them and return them in time for you to wear again! ;)

19 more sleeps until we find out what we're having!!!

1 comment:

  1. I like reading blog posts, and when I stumbled upon to this web log, it just blew me away! Hey there I mean it! Jeans make you comfortable, especially if you are the type of woman who is always on the go. Jeans can be worn everyday or can even be worn on special occasions, just make sure your top matches the event. Your contents are rich and I discover them very useful! I wish I could post like you .Thanks for nice post.
    maternity jeans
