Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Owen - You are 18 months old!!!

Dear Owen,

Last weekend you 'turned' 18 months old! Some days we can't believe you have been a part of our world for a year and a half. In a short three months we will welcome your sister into our lives.

You have so many words! Some don't come out right....but we know what you mean (most times!)
Some words in your vocabulary:
bird, car, truck, hot, cold, dog (gog), Nash, quack quack (for duck), moo (for cow), roar (for lion), baa (for sheep), moose, vacuum (bacume), sweep, school, jacket, dance, eat, snack, poo-poo, pee-pee, toes, head, hand, teeth, hair, shoes, fish, cookie, apple, nana (for banana), no, yes, oh oh, wa-wa (for water), shower, night-night, book, help, I dunno, bear, baby, mama, dada, knock knock, window (ninows), chair, Cheerios (Shhheer-ooos), milk, toys, puzzle (ba-do), juice, ear, mouth, eyes, toes, nose, choo-choo (for train), whoo whoo (for fire truck), bye bye. clearly state your name now (while pointing to yourself)!

You are starting to put words together (this morning you said "read book" and brought me your "Brown Bear" book)
You have 10 teeth (almost - the upper canines are just coming through)
You can drink through a straw and love to share our drinks
You love your "B" (favorite 12x12 blanket)
You love to dance
You always yell out "Momma" as soon as you walk in the door if Dada brings you home from school, or "Dada" if Momma brings you home from school.
When you are downstairs with someone, you get so excited when someone else starts coming down the stairs
You always say 'bye bye' to the person leaving the room and "hi" when someone comes in the room
You point to lots of body parts (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, belly button, toes) on yourself and everyone else
You love to have the TV on (or Cee-vee as you call it), but you don't really watch it
You have not had a hair cut yet
You love to give lots of hugs
You are 32.5 inches tall and weight almost 28lbs
You wear a size 4 diaper (when you wear disposables), a 5 shoe, 24m pants and 18m shirts
Pasta, pineapple, raisins and cheese are your current favorite foods (they will change by the weekend!)
You love to be tickled and chased
You love balls, books and your vacuum.

Every day with you is a gift.

Love Mommy and Daddy

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