Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Almost two!!

Owen is almost two years old...and he knows how to tell you that he is TWO! He answers the question "How old are you, Owen?" correctly most of the time. He often says "One", but if we say "No no Owen, you are not one." he will follow it up with "TWO"!! And then there are always the random answers. For example, he told Nonnie this past weekend that he was twelve :)

Owen is one smart kiddo. He can sing his ABCs, the rainbow song and the happy birthday song. Speaking of birthdays...he correctly answers "When is your birthday, Owen?" by saying "July 14th" now. He continuously tells us he wants a bicycle and when asked what color he responds "Blue". Good thing Mommy and Daddy bought him a bicycle for his birthday...and it is blue! We researched the balance bikes and settled on the Kinderbike.

Now we just need to find a bike helmet that will fit his big head!

Owen has started count to ten properly now (not leaving out 5 and 9) and will often continue counting past ten. Last night he counted to 20 but skipped 15, 16, 18 and 19. :)
Owen is really starting to put full sentences together and is very observant about everything happening around him. He is also starting to tell us what hurts, which will be helpful the next time he is not feeling well. But for now, we just know what hurts after he falls down or hits a body part on a toy/table/chair/etc.. Owen is interested in Avery at times, but at other times it is like she is not even around. He tells her "No crying, Avery" if she is sad and says "Come see Owen, Avery." with his arms stretched out when he wants to hold her. He tells her it is time to go in Mommy's car in the morning when we are getting ready to take Owen to school. And he loves to kiss her on the head and hug her. He is a sweet big brother.

Owen has returned to being a great eater. He is our little protein monster...eating lots of chicken and brats the last two nights at dinner. He is not too interested in vegetables at the moment, but we keep offering them in hopes that he will one day start eating them again. He LOVES his 'fruit salad' at the end of dinner. Especially when there are blueberries and grapes mixed in.

His school is doing a summer camp program. It starts this week. Yesterday they were supposed to play in a moon bounce house, but it rained so it got postponed. Today the ice cream truck visits, tomorrow they play a game similar to "Will it float" and on Friday they will play in the sprinklers. Should be a fun week! His teachers tell us he is doing really well at school. He is a good listener and does what he is told. Apparently he has started quizzing the teachers like he does us at home by asking them what color things are and asks them what they are doing. Yesterday they told Owen to ask his friends what color things were and when they got it right he would give them a high five. What a character! Makes for good stories though!

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