Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Using the potty!

Owen uses the potty almost every day now! He is not consistent and is often too busy playing or coloring to tell us he has to go (we often hear about it after the fact). So he still wears diapers, but we are researching and talking to other parents about the next big step...PULL UPS!

Some of you may not care to read about our child's bathroom habits...but this is a big milestone! The first time he went in his 'special' potty was a week before he turned two. He went a couple of times the week leading up to his birthday and then he went a couple of weeks without going again. We started to offer a M&M if he went. The first time we did he asked "A green M&M?". We said "SURE! Whatever color you want, you can have! Green it is!".

More recently, he has started to tell us that he has to go. Sometimes we are certain he uses it as a delay tactic (so he doesn't have to shower/bathe or go to bed)...but we always let him try. More often than not, he is proud to stand up and say that he "went potty in the potty". :) We make a bid deal out of it and he gets so excited. But he never lets us forget to give him a M&M!

This morning Owen went potty right when he got up. And ... true to form ... he requested an orange M&M. Downstairs at breakfast, Owen had this conversation with Avery (who was sitting in her bumbo seat on the table):

Owen: I went potty, Avery baby.
Owen: I went potty, Avery baby and got a M&M.
Owen: I got an orange M&M, Avery baby.
Owen: I got an orange M&M and put it in my mouth! [small pause] It is orange, Avery baby.

1 comment:

  1. Owen is soo cute!
    Congratulations on his big milestone!

    We trained Sophie last month and she is completely out of diapers now, except bedtime since we don't want to get up in the middle of the night. Since I stay home, we didn't even use pull-ups. We just let her wear her undies and honestly, I spent the first day or two cleaning the floor, but it wasn't too bad. Only once or twice a day because I diligently took her to the bathroom often. Not using pull-ups make the process so much quicker. She was done in a week. But i know you have to work, and pull-ups work great!

    Congrats again Owen! It is nice to have only one kid in diapers :)
