Monday, October 5, 2009

Day one of daycare...complete!

All went well at Owen's first day of daycare. We planned out our morning routine yesterday which helped things run smoothly. Also we packed our lunches and Owen's bags (his diapers were in a bag, his milk was in a soft cooler, his change of clothes were in a ziploc, etc.) yesterday, so all that had to be done this morning was to put the bags and Owen in the car.

This morning, I fed and burped Owen at 5am, while Dad got ready for work and took Nash for a walk. While I was getting ready for work, Dad changed and dressed Owen, moved the FJ out onto the driveway, and made tea and coffee. What an awesome Daddy! :)

At 6:10am, Owen and I pulled out of the driveway and headed up to daycare. The drop off this morning was benign. Owen didn't cry he just sat in his car seat while I showed Ms. Candy everything in Owen's bag and we talked about his schedule. She wanted to be shown her how we wrap him, so before leaving, I swaddled Owen in his blue blanket. Once swaddled, I placed Owen in his crib and he started cooing and talking to the mobile that Ms Candy had attached to his crib (it was four animals, one of which was an elephant...that made me happy!). When I walked out of the room, Owen was laying in his crib, wide-eyed and awake looking right at me. It broke my heart. I made it to the car before I lost it. Just a few tears....since I needed to drive safely to work.

My morning went fast at work, thank goodness. My first and only mistake of the day was calling the nursery around 11:15am to check on Owen. I found out he had only slept for 35 minutes during a time when he normally sleeps 2.5 hours. The good news was that Owen ate all his surprise there...the little man is a great eater! I picked Owen up after work and learned that he had slept a total of 1 hour and 40 minutes. Yikes. In a usual day (between the hours of 6:30am and 4pm) he normally sleeps 6.5 hours.

Owen was pretty miffed when we got home from daycare. I wrapped him and held him close for all of one minute and he was asleep in my arms. He was finally calm and it felt so good to be close to him. After five minutes or so, I placed Owen in his swing and started to get things cleaned up from the day and things ready for tomorrow. Right on schedule, Owen woke at 5pm to eat. He played on his mat with me and let me read him a book. Again, right on time, Owen needed to be wrapped at 6:15pm and fell asleep shortly thereafter. I am so glad he still has his schedule here at home! He is still zonked out right now (8:15pm) and we are anxious to see if he awakes for his 9pm feed. He had a busy day!!!

Tomorrow will be better...and easier. That's what everyone says anyway....

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