Monday, October 12, 2009

First plane ride!!!

Owen went on his first plane trip this weekend. We flew to Texas for Brandee Haight and Ken Herold's wedding. Owen did so well on the plane. On the way there, he did not like sitting at the gate in Birmingham (no movement, we guess) and he did not like the long taxi in Dallas-Fort Worth (but who does?!?!?). During the actual flight, he was more-or-less perfect! He actually stayed awake the whole way there and just laughed, smiled and stared at Mommy the whole time. The plane trip home was a little more eventful, as we had an aborted take-off!!! Of all the flights that Mommy and Daddy have taken in their lifetime...that was a first...and it was with a three month old! But...Owen was actually pretty good, given the circumstances (read: one hour delay). He screamed for a little bit (wouldn't we have all liked to do that!), but calmed down with a bottle in his mouth and his Daddy holding him. Again, he laughed and smiled for awhile after eating, and then fell asleep in Daddy's arms. He did not wake up (even when he was transferred to Mom's arms) until we put him in the Bjorn to walk off the plane.

Fellow passengers on both flights made comments to us about how great Owen did. We appreciated them all. We are certain most of them were either fretting the flight when they saw us board with little Owen and/or they had been there before with their own children.

It was a bit stressful for us to fly with him that young, so we were relieved that he did so well.

It was a great weekend though. We had a wonderful visit with Aunt Heather, Uncle Vic and all the Myers cousins (Jacalyn, Jaydon, Jonathan and Jakob). Below is a pic of us with Jacalyn and Jaydon.

We spent Friday evening with Nonnie and Pop, and enjoyed a visit from Wendy.

Saturday was the wedding. It was a beautiful day outside. The wedding was held in the same church where we were members and were married. It was nice to get back there. The reception was wonderful and was held at the Gaylord Texan Resort. Afterwards, we went back to Nonnie and Pop's to pick up Owen and drove down to Colleyville for a visit with Michael, Elizabeth and Sarah Gallian. Sarah was a busy little girl, showing us all her toys, while wearing a tutu. :)
Mandy and Randy Lucke stopped by the Gallian's to meet Owen. It was so great to visit with all of them!

After dinner with Nonnie and Pop on Saturday night, our quick visit came to an end. Weekends always go by so fast, but this one went by very quickly.

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