Sunday, October 24, 2010

Random bits

Owen is doing some really funny things lately. So...I thought I would do a "Random Bits" post to capture them.
Here are some highlights of what our little man is up to:
1) Unless Owens really tired or shy around others...he likes to walk everywhere. He squirms to get out of our arms if we try to walk with him. The only downfall is....he goes where HE wants :) However...he KNOWS the way to the hotel breakfast (from our room door, to the elevator and to the eating area). It is amazing that he understands "Let's go get some breakfast"!!!
2) Owen is a scheduled baby through-and-through. After eating dinner, he knows that we get our shoes on, get his Chariot out, put Nash's leash on and go for a walk. The other night, we were cleaning up from dinner and Owen started pulling out his Chariot (we keep it in his room). It was too funny. He was up on his tippy toes, holding onto the stroller handle and backing it out of his room. He was ready to go for a walk. Of course, Nash is his best friend at that point!!
3) If there is a TV in the room, Owen will have it turned on in a few seconds. He used to turn the TV on, then off, then on, then off. But, he has started to figure out how to put the volume up and change the channels (either on the TV itself, or via the remote control). Typically he puts the hotel room TV on CNN. CNN is Channel 11, so it is easy for him to change it to that by pressing '1' twice (or over and over). But today, he found the GOLF channel and left it on there! Pappy would have been proud!
4) Since we have been in temp housing, we have been eating out more than normal. Owen has taken great interest in the check when it comes to the table and the credit card that goes along with it for payment. The wait staff is always amused that Owen 'pays' them for our meal.
5) Owen has started to take a great interest in pen and paper. We have some crayons for him, that usually end up in his mouth...but he does like to try and draw first.
6) Anything that looks like a phone is a phone to Owen. He likes to "talk" on them. He holds these items up to his ear and chats away. He then hands them to us so we can talk. Of course, if he sees our blackberry phones, he needs to hold or play with or talk on the blackberry too. We both have an app loaded on our phones called "Baby GO!". Baby GO! is a BlackBerry® application for a 0-2 year old. It keeps Owen entertained, helps him learn, and keeps our BlackBerry® devices safe. Owen loves pressing the keys, seeing colorful images dance around the screen and hearing the letter, number or name of the object being pronounced.

7) Owen is eating all kinds of things now...but his favorite by far is any pasta. The kid can eat some lasagna! But he also likes tortellini and alfredo sauce, ravoli and meat sauce and of course spaghetti. Owen has also started to take bites of things. He still only has his four front teeth on top and bottom (eight total), but he will bite off a piece of cracker, cookie or chip when offered. Yes...Owen eats chips. Not many...but I did give him a Pringle for the first time tonight (I was eating them and he thought he wanted one). He eat the whole chip without spilling a crumb.
8) For the most part, Owen and Nash get along well. Owen heads straight for Nash's crate when we get home and attempts to let Nash out. Of course, we have to intervene to help open the crate, as well as get Owen out of way so Nash does not stampede over him. Owen frequently gets a Nash-tail across the face or worse...bowled over by the 85 pound furry-spaz-dog...but they are still friends. Owen is into 'hugging'. If we say "give Nash a hug", Owen walks over to Nash and lays his head and arms on Nash. It is too cute.
9) Owen understands A LOT and will respond to many commands ('bring me a book', 'do you want a snack', 'where's your ball', etc.), but he doesn't say much. His vocabulary consists of "Uh-oh", "Bye-bye", "Hi", "No", "Nigh nigh" (for night night) and "Mo" (for more...which we know means "more" because he signs it too)

10) Sometimes we don't really know where Owen learns things...but the funniest surprise to us lately has been Owen's reaction to "Do you want to take your shirt off?". Of course, we used to just ask that when it is bathtime, or when his shirt is really messy and he needs a change. However, when he started lifting up his shirt and pushing out and tapping his fat has become a question we ask often to get a good laugh. Probably not something we should encourage...but it is quite amusing!

I would try to get pictures or videos of some of the above, but I have trouble doing that these days because when the camera comes out, Owen thinks he needs to play with it. Perhaps he will grow out of that soon?

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