Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Quick Owen update

Owen is doing great. He was sick two weeks ago. Pink eye & double ear infection and then RSV set in later in the week complete with fever (while he was on antibiotics). We were nervous, as we didn't want a repeat of last summer. Bbut the doctor said it was most likely RSV and not something the antibiotics would attack anyway. Knock on wood that the antibiotics knocked everything out and he will be healthy the rest of the season :)

We cannot believe how much Owen is talking and everything he is doing. It just amazes us. He is starting to sleep longer in the mornings. Sometimes he needs a little help at 530am...but then he'll go back to sleep for another hour or so. Yesterday he slept from 7pm to 7am. When he did wake up, he was SO chatty. He was basically carrying on a conversation with me while eating breakfast. Of course...his responses were using one word or maybe two...and they may not have been appropriate answers...but it was very cute. Then, when I got up from the table to clean up Owen just continued 'practicing' all of his words. He even started to say words that I had said earlier in the morning. For example - I asked him if he was going to have a Valentine's party at school. He did respond "Yes"...but then later when I was putting our dishes up he said saying "Party" and "School" and then started listing all his 'friends' at school. He clearly said five of the kids in his class - Eryn, Jack, Lannen (for Landon), Sita, Melsa (Melissa, his teacher). Super cute.

Owen still loves to vacuum and color. He also loves to name and point to body parts. His favorite is "belly". Of course, Owen loves to lift up his shirt and show off his buddha belly and belly button, but he also likes to see our bare bellies. Daddy's shirt is usually tucked in, and if Owen wants to name it he will reach up and tug at Clint's shirt until it gets untucked. Owen gets confused when he lifts up my shirt, as he then finds another layer (the fabric panel on my maternity pants that goes up to my chest!). Unprompted, Owen will point at my belly and say "baby". He has no idea that his world (and ours) is about to change!

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