Friday, May 13, 2011

Owen and Avery update

Owen spiked a fever last Friday night around 10pm. He was so upset and would not take any medicine or drink anything for us. All he wanted was to be held by his Mommy. I was nervous about sitting with him, as I had a six day old baby to take care of and could not risk getting either of us sick. It broke my heart. As soon as I sat down with Owen, he calmed down and eventually fell asleep on my chest ( neck, chest, belly and thighs...he is SO big!!!). We managed to knock the fever down with Ibuprofen through the night and Saturday morning. Owen did not want to eat much that morning and we soon figured out that his throat was really sore. He went down for his nap at noon and slept for FOUR hours. Of course, by that time, his fever was back up. We made the decision to take him to a doc-in-the-box on Saturday afternoon. Clint took him and found out that he had strep. Antibiotics were prescribed and we started them that night. By Sunday morning, Owen was almost back to his usual self and by that night, he was fever free. Those antibiotics work FAST!

For the last few days, Owen has been coming home from school saying "Catch...Bumble Bee...OUCH...Yucky". And then he laughs and starts again. We play along and we were certain that they must be learning a new song at song. I remembered to ask his teacher (Sarah) yesterday and sure enough...they are learning the "Baby Bumble Bee" song:

I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee,
Won't my mommy be so proud of me,
(Cup hands together as if holding bee)

I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee,
Ouch! It stung me!
(Shake hands as if just stung)

I'm squishing up the baby bumblebee,
Won't my mommy be so proud of me,
('Squish' bee between palms of hands)

I'm squishing up a baby bumblebee,
Ooh! It's yucky!
(Open up hands to look at 'mess')

I'm wiping off the baby bumblebee,
Won't my mommy be so proud of me,
(Wipe hands off on shirt)

I'm wiping off the baby bumblebee,
Now my mommy won't be mad at me!
(Hold hands up to show they are clean)

I remember this song from my childhood. FUN! Now when we sing the whole song, Owen stands (or sits) still and laughs. :)
Owen has also started the 'questioning' phase. He asks "What's that" a lot and has recently started to say "What color, Mommy?" or "What color, Daddy?" while holding up a crayon, piece of paper or a plastic Easter egg (yes...he still plays with his Easter basket and eggs!). The color question is one we have been asking him for he is turning it on us now. HA! Owen can almost say all of his ABCs. He skips "L, M, N, O, P" for some reason. And, he can almost count to 10 (and sometimes 11). He skips 5 and 9, but adds 11 most of the time.

Avery is doing great too. She eats every 2.5 hours during the day and every 3 at night. She is a speed feeder, when compared to Owen. And perhaps as a result, she gets the hiccups a lot. I know they bother us more than her, but I still feel bad when she gets them. So far, she is a good sleeper. We put her down for the night in her crib at 10:30pm after a feed and she barely wakes up for her feeds (at 1am and 4am). I wake her at 7am for her first feed of the day and she typically goes back to sleep until her 9:30am feed.
Her doctor (and parents) are very pleased with her weight gain. Avery was 8lbs 7oz when she was born. When we left the hospital (two days old) she was 7lbs 13oz. Last Thursday, we went for a weight check and she was 8lbs 2oz. And then yesterday, we went for another weight check and she was 9lbs 1oz! She has surpassed her birth weight and is not yet two weeks old. Go Avery!!! Avery is my little snuggler. She loves to just hang out on our chests after eating in a 'frog' position (she keeps her legs tucked up like a frog). Hence, we often call her "froggy bottoms". She is super sweet and as I have said before...we are so in love.

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