Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"Owen's Diaper Off"

For the last week or so, Owen has been telling us he is tired at all times of the day. The child sleeps 11-12 hours at night and takes a two hour nap. He does wear himself out during the day, but that seems to be plenty of sleep for his age (maybe too much?? is that possible at this age?). When bedtime does roll around, Owen seems happy to go to bed. We follow our routine every night. Brush teeth, shower, get a new diaper and PJs on, read a book, flip through the dinosaur book, and say 'night-night' and 'I love you'. Once in his crib, Owen talks/sings for sometimes up to an hour. Last night, I was half-listening to him talk while I fed Avery. I kept hearing one statement over and over...so I started listening more intently to figure out what he was saying. All of the sudden it registered in my brain that he was saying "Owen's Diaper Off". I quickly repeated it to Clint and he went up immediately to check on him. Sure enough, Owen had unzipped his pajamas, took them off (except for the feet) and removed his diaper. He was standing up, naked, in his crib when Clint found him. Clint put Owen's diaper and PJs back on and returned him to his crib. A few minutes later, I heard "Owen's Monkeys Off". Owen's PJs have Monkeys all over them...so we figured he was getting his PJs off again. Clint ran back upstairs and found Owen's PJs half-unzipped. After zipping them back up, Clint secured the zipper to the top of Owen's PJs with a safety pin. It is only a matter of time before Owen figures the pin out! But for now, the PJs and diaper will stay on through the night.
Good times.

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