Thursday, April 7, 2011

Yellow Dip

Owen LOVES to dip his food in something. Anytime there is a condiment bottle on the dinner table (be it salad dressing for our salad, BBQ sauce for our meat, or ketchup for us to dip)...Owen needs some on his high chair tray. We used to place the dip in his drink holder on his tray...but then when got a hold of his drink he would return it to the drink holder and cover the bottom of his cup in dip.

Sometimes, the foods that Owen dips do not really go with the dip. Perhaps some of it is our fault..because we fail to clean up the ranch dressing before he starts eating pineapple. Or we don't wipe away the BBQ sauce before he eats his carrots. Owen does not seem to mind though. He just dips and eats!

The first time we gave him BBQ sauce, his reaction was priceless. It must have been tangy to his little taste buds, as he pulled a face, clenched his fists and his whole body shivered. He didn't get upset, he just dipped another piece of food and ate it.

Owen has been a bit finicky at dinner time lately. He does not want his veggies nor the main meal. He just wants applesauce (or a-sauce as he calls it). He eventually eats a few bites of dinner and once we are all done, he eats his a-sauce. Owen is doing really well with feeding himself (including things like a-sauce, oatmeal (for breakfast) and yogurt). He gets a TON on his spoon, and most of it actually makes it to his mouth, despite the fact that he tilts the spoon just as he gets it close to his mouth.

Last night, we had hamburgers for dinner. Sadly, Owen did not want the hamburger...but he wanted the bread. Fair enough. Since Momma and Dada were going to eat hamburgers, there was mustard and ketchup on the table. Without hesitation, Owen he asked for "Dip". Dada gave him some ketchup and Owen pointed to the mustard and said "Dip". So...Dada put mustard on Owen's tray too. Owen pointed at the blob of mustard on his tray and said "Yellow dip". So....from now on....mustard will be called "Yellow dip" in our house! The story gets better. This morning at breakfast, Owen asked for toast. So...Dada made him some toast. When it was served to Owen, Owen said "Yellow dip". HA!

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