Wednesday, March 30, 2011

36 weeks...can't believe it!!

This pregnancy has gone by really fast. I went for my 36 week check-up this morning. All went well. My doctor was glad to hear that I am having LOTS of contractions...probably just Braxton Hicks....but as the dr least my body is getting ready this time! The baby's HR was in the 160s. I guess she liked the yogurt and cereal bar that I had for breakfast! My uterus is measuring she has definitely dropped (it is supposed to measure 1cm for every week pregnant....when it starts to be less it means the baby is dropping). :)
At my next appointment (next Thursday), I will get an ultrasound to see how big the baby is, as well as her position (even though the dr is certain she is flipped and in position!).

Not long now! Another four weeks until my due date....if I make it that long.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Hey you want to count?"

A few weeks ago, Owen would answer that question by saying "One, Two". Then within the last week or so, he started saying "One, Two, One". If we continued counting, he would repeat all the numbers all the way up to ten. Daddy has a funny story from when I was traveling - Owen would repeat the numbers...but then say "Momma" instead of repeating the number 'seven'. Hmmm....wish he would say my name instead of the number ONE!!! :)

This morning....I asked him if he wanted to count on the way to school. He said "One, Two, Free, Four, Sis". WOW! Huge progress! Even though he missed 'five'....he made it past two! Of course, most kiddos have trouble with the "Th" in the number 'three'....but we'll keep working on it!

These may be normal milestones for kids his age...but he amazes us EVERYDAY with the new stuff that he says and does.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Another Canadian Citizen in the house!!!!

This is old news...but I did not find the time to blog about it a few months ago.
Owen is officially a Canadian Citizen.

Of course, he will always be American as he was born in the US and he will carry a US passport...but we applied for his Canadian citizenship because he is eligible. In January, we received his "Canadian Citizenship" card in the mail along with a letter that read:

"Owen Lloyd McReynolds - You are a Canadian Citizen who was born outside Canada in the first or subsequent generation. That means you obtained Canadian citizenship as a person who had a Canadian parent at the time of your birth.
Canadian citizenship is limited to the first generation born outside Canada."

That basically means that Owen's children will not be eligible for Canadian citizenship, unless he falls in love with and has children with a Canadian girl like his Daddy did! :)
We will also apply for our baby girl's Canadian citizenship when she arrives. Might as the children options when it comes to employment, owning property, health care, schooling and voting. Plus, we want them to have that connection to Mommy's native land!
O Canada!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


We were looking for an activity that we could take Owen to in the area. My rationale was that it would be something that he could do to burn off some energy and something where the focus would be on him (and not on the new baby that is about to become a part of our lives!).
There are tons of things for little ones to get involved in here in Richmond. There is a website called Completely Kids that lists activities from gymnastics to museums, singing classes to soccer.
We chose to try out soccer. It is on Saturday mornings from 9am until 10am. Perfect timing for our family at this point. Two weeks ago we tried out a class. The classes take place at an indoor soccer facility called SCOR (Soccer Center of Richmond) in downtown Richmond. The program is called "Little Kickers" and it is a nationally renowned child development program for ages 18 months to 9 years. The training classes teach the basics of the soccer game while having a lot of fun.

The class Owen is in is called the "Bunnies" class. Parents are on the field during the class and the coaches do a bunch of different activities with the kids. They run an obstacle course, kick soccer balls, stack cones, blow bubbles and play in/on/under the big parachute. And when it is all over they get a stamp on their hand (which Owen kept calling a 'sticker').
Here are some pictures and a short video:

Class Introductions (my name is.... and my favorite food is...)

Stacking the cones!

Hopping through the obstacle course

Crawling through the hoop

Fun with the parachute!



After the trial class, we signed Owen up for the Spring season. It started this past Saturday and Owen got his very own uniform. He is number 5! Should make for a fun activity on Saturday mornings to come!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

No drama!

I just had my 34 week appointment this past week. Each time I go, my doctor asks me if I am having "any drama". Fortunately, each time I can answer "nope!". No drama in this pregnancy! All is going well. All my tests have come back normal, I am gaining weight as I should be, I am sleeping good (couldn't say that in my second trimester!) and my vitals are great, as are the baby's! The doctor said she has flipped and started to drop, which is great news for delivery...but bad for comfort! She is putting all her weight on my pelvic bone which causes some pain and her feet are up in my right ribs...OUCH! I do have 'rock hard' abs though! :)
In two and a half weeks, we will get to see her on an ultrasound and be given an idea of how big she will be when she makes her world debut.

Also this week, I made my last business trip as a pregnant lady. I was planning to take one or two more before I was completely cut off from travel (at 36 weeks) but I made the decision as I sat on a plane Monday morning. It was 6am on Monday morning and I was not feeling 100%. The pilot came on the intercom and said our flying time would be 2h59m. I felt like throwing up. I now understand how people can get so anxious on a plane. I even had thoughts of getting off the plane and taking a later flight or canceling my trip all together. But I stuck it out and arrived safely in Dallas a few hours later. Fortunately, my return flight was later in the day on Tuesday and although I was uncomfortable in the airplane seat, I did not feel sick like I did the day before. I guess this could classify as 'drama'...but nothing major resulted! I made my trip and decided that I was done traveling during this pregnancy. This coming weekend, we are going to Atlanta for a friend's wedding but the flight is only one hour and Clint will be with me.