Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Hey you want to count?"

A few weeks ago, Owen would answer that question by saying "One, Two". Then within the last week or so, he started saying "One, Two, One". If we continued counting, he would repeat all the numbers all the way up to ten. Daddy has a funny story from when I was traveling - Owen would repeat the numbers...but then say "Momma" instead of repeating the number 'seven'. Hmmm....wish he would say my name instead of the number ONE!!! :)

This morning....I asked him if he wanted to count on the way to school. He said "One, Two, Free, Four, Sis". WOW! Huge progress! Even though he missed 'five'....he made it past two! Of course, most kiddos have trouble with the "Th" in the number 'three'....but we'll keep working on it!

These may be normal milestones for kids his age...but he amazes us EVERYDAY with the new stuff that he says and does.

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