Wednesday, March 30, 2011

36 weeks...can't believe it!!

This pregnancy has gone by really fast. I went for my 36 week check-up this morning. All went well. My doctor was glad to hear that I am having LOTS of contractions...probably just Braxton Hicks....but as the dr least my body is getting ready this time! The baby's HR was in the 160s. I guess she liked the yogurt and cereal bar that I had for breakfast! My uterus is measuring she has definitely dropped (it is supposed to measure 1cm for every week pregnant....when it starts to be less it means the baby is dropping). :)
At my next appointment (next Thursday), I will get an ultrasound to see how big the baby is, as well as her position (even though the dr is certain she is flipped and in position!).

Not long now! Another four weeks until my due date....if I make it that long.

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