Monday, March 21, 2011

Another Canadian Citizen in the house!!!!

This is old news...but I did not find the time to blog about it a few months ago.
Owen is officially a Canadian Citizen.

Of course, he will always be American as he was born in the US and he will carry a US passport...but we applied for his Canadian citizenship because he is eligible. In January, we received his "Canadian Citizenship" card in the mail along with a letter that read:

"Owen Lloyd McReynolds - You are a Canadian Citizen who was born outside Canada in the first or subsequent generation. That means you obtained Canadian citizenship as a person who had a Canadian parent at the time of your birth.
Canadian citizenship is limited to the first generation born outside Canada."

That basically means that Owen's children will not be eligible for Canadian citizenship, unless he falls in love with and has children with a Canadian girl like his Daddy did! :)
We will also apply for our baby girl's Canadian citizenship when she arrives. Might as the children options when it comes to employment, owning property, health care, schooling and voting. Plus, we want them to have that connection to Mommy's native land!
O Canada!!!

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