Thursday, August 13, 2009

The triple threat

Although we don't believe we have a colicky baby by definition, Owen is definitely struggling with some painful stomach issues (could be gas, growing pains, digestive system regulation, or something completely different). Regardless, we are trying the "triple threat" these days in attempt to subside his discomfort.

We use Mylicon before feedings. "Infants’ MYLICON® Drops, the #1 pediatrician-recommended anti-gas medicine, relieves the discomfort of infant gas frequently caused by air swallowing or by certain formulas or foods. It is safe because the drops are not absorbed into your baby's system. MYLICON® drops are safe enough for even the newest of newborns. They're safe enough to give with every feeding." (reference:

Mom is drinking "Mother's Nursing Tea" from the Mama Goddess Birth Shop (reference:
"Nurturing the Nursing Mother was born from the many mothers who would call us asking about our More Milk Tea, they were wondering if it was a tea that they could drink even if they were not having milk production problems.
We wanted to be able to fill that gap and provide another alternative for mothers who wanted to nourish themselves as well as their breastmilk supply, and so this tea was born!
What is is good for?
This is a specific blend of herbs like Nettles and Raspberry leaves that are full of important minerals such as Iron and Calcium, as well as yummy herbs like Fennel and Anise that are specific for helping digestion and Breastmilk supply, and are great for gassy babies too!
All Organic Ingredients of:
Nettle, Red Raspberry Leaf, Fennel, Anise and Orange Peels."

And, when all else fails, we are trying Baby's Bliss Gripe Water.
"A traditional European remedy, gripe water contains safe, fast, effective, natural ingredients for relieving colic discomforts. Gripe water has been used by mothers for over a century to provide relief from the discomforts of colic, stomach cramps, hiccups, gas and teething.
The traditional natural remedies Fennel and Ginger are contained in Baby's Bliss Gripe Water. Both have long been shown to be beneficial for easing nausea and pain due to baby stomach gas and other symptoms of colic. Fennel and Ginger are also effective for the discomforts of infant teething, gas and hiccups.

Baby's Bliss Gripe Water Major Ingredients:

Ginger is a natural safe and effective ingredient, which has been used by parents for centuries, to relieve nausea and other digestive problems.
Fennel is another natural safe and effective treatment for stomach upset, hiccups, gas and other conditions with a century's long history of human use. It is recommended by many herbalists. Fennel seed oil is especially effective for relaxing a baby's intestinal tract.
Sodium Bicarbonate
Sodium Bicarbonate is a common ingredient in food (baking soda), which is commonly used to decrease stomach acidity. Therefore, it is useful for easing the discomforts of colic, which is often associated with stomach discomfort. (14 mg per dose with a maximum 6 doses a day).
Although today many health experts recommend less use of all forms of sugar, they also agree that where sugar is consumed in limited quantities, fructose (a natural sugar in fruits and honey) is a better choice than processed sucrose (table sugar)."

Of course, Mom is watching what she eats too...but from reading more and more...we've found some other foods that Mom needs to cut from her diet. We'd already cut out dairy products, citrus fruits, nuts, spicy foods, and gassy foods (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and beans)...but it looks like we need to cut out chocolate, wheat, and shellfish. In addition, we've added lots of garlic and ginger where possible, as they are two items that help reduce gas in the mother and baby.

The next course of action may be to try some more of the tummy massages, as recommended by La Leche League and others. Here is one that we found...
"Here's a description of infant massage: The colic massage I was taught consists of three parts. Before you begin, drizzle some oil on your hands and rub them together enough so your hands glide on your baby's skin but don't leave his skin looking shiny. Some people prefer to use a special massage oil, however any oil will do, even vegetable oil from the kitchen. Undress baby, but leave the diaper on loosely. Sometimes babies pass more than gas! Place the baby on his back on a washable blanket, in case the oil stains it. Always keep a hand on the baby!

Part One is called the paddlewheel. Place your palm under the baby's chin, with your fingers pointing toward his shoulder. (It doesn't matter which hand you begin with since you will use both.) Draw your hand down his chest, and into the diaper area. Your stroke should be smooth and firm enough that you feel the "dip" when your hand leaves his ribcage. As your hand is around the belly button, place the opposite hand under the chin and stroke downward, so your hands are making circles over the baby, with one hand always stroking. Do this until your hands/arms begin to tire.

Part Two: Baby is still flat on his back. Place the baby's heel up next to his bottom by bending his knee sharply. Move the leg, still sharply bent, until the top of the thigh rests against the tummy. Get both legs in this position. The baby may be a tad confused at first, but later he will actually assist you-babies love this so! Grab the baby's ankles and gently shake his legs in an up-and-down motion, unbending the knees gradually, until his heels rest on the blanket and his legs are straight. Repeat many times. You may also help the baby "ride a bicycle" by holding his feet and pumping his legs. This is not part of the "official" massage, but my babies loved doing it.

Part Three: Using as much of your fingers/palm as possible, circle the belly button in a clockwise motion. This gets any remaining gas moving in the proper direction for the baby to easily pass it. Another way to do this is to rub clockwise "parentheses" around the belly button, i.e., if the belly button is the center of a clock, one hand moves from ten to one o'clock and the other from four to seven."


WISH US LUCK!!!! And...if you have any other suggestions...please let us know!

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